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Our District has achieved tremendous success, inclusive of two National Blue Ribbon Schools, several California Distinguished Schools and Title I Achieving Schools that have been recognized for their success in closing the achievement gap. Common Sense, the national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids and families thrive in a world of media and technology, has recognized Colton Joint Unified School District as a Common Sense District. Click here for a compiled list of national hotlines and local hotlines that are critical during these uncertain times. Below are links to resources for LEA CDS coordinators for submitting corrections.
Our elementary schools have a robust offering in the area of STEM, science, technology, engineering, math, robotics, coding and Project Lead the Way. All middle schools within our District offer Project Lead the Way to provide project based learning opportunities to students in STEM. Robotics programs are an integral component of all secondary program.
Local and National Emergency Hotline Information
If you do not have a login, please CLICK HERE to register for an account. At the University of South Dakota, you can create a path that reflects your unique interests and passions. Choose from more than 200 academic programs to find the right fit for you. USD’s Medical Laboratory Science program offers exceptional student opportunities and helps meet workforce demands. The Compton Unified School District currently serves approximately 23,000 students.
And our online programs give you the flexibility to learn from anywhere. Publications and other educational resources from CDE Press, the Department's publications office. The USD School of Health Sciences has established a new Office of Research & Innovation that will help the school move to the next stage of innovation and impact for its faculty, staff, students and all the populations they serve. The Cobb County School District does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any translated information. Before you act on translated information, the District encourages you to confirm any facts that are important to you and affect any decisions you may make. Please try again, or contact the EDJOIN Help Desk for assistance.
University of South Dakota, Your Dreams. Our Reality.
Stockton Unified School District is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying. For more information regarding nondiscrimination, please click here. Includes tools to request CDS updates and information on district reorganizations. Student enrollment in the University of South Dakota’s computer science programs has skyrocketed. Between fall 2021 and fall 2022, the number of undergraduate students grew 39% while the number of graduate students expanded by an astounding 184%. The electronic translation service is hosted by Google Translate.
We look forward to your involvement as a partner in the education of “all” children. Our high schools have been recognized for their success related to increased graduation rates, which are now approaching 90%. We are preparing more students than ever to exercise their options related to college and careers. Under the leadership of Superintendent Dr. Darin Brawley, the Compton Unified School District has emerged from a dramatic turnaround.
Join us for a personalized visit to experience campus for yourself.
Because the information is voluntarily self-reported, the Directory does not contain information for every LEA and the information that is in the Directory may be outdated or have errors, omissions, typos and other inaccuracies. Therefore, information, or the absence of information, in the Directory should not be relied upon for any purpose and should be used only to contact the LEA. The CDE makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to Directory information. We’re continuing to elevate academics throughout every school in the district setting the bar high for student achievement. In addition to the qualifications of the teacher, if a paraprofessional (teacher’s aide) provides your child services, you may also request information about his or her qualifications. Many paraprofessionals have two years of college and others have passed a test that verifies their qualifications.

The quality of the translation will vary in some of the languages offered by Google. Google Translate is a free service and currently offers translation in over 50 languages, although an impressive number, this does not capture all languages or dialects. The basic translation’s goal is to capture the general intention of the original English material. Please click on the link in the email you received to continue and complete the verification process. USD's main campus in Vermillion offers the full student experience with hundreds of program options. Our Sioux Falls campus specializes in flexible offerings and professional pathways.
Socially, we expose students to college tours, college fairs, and College Fly-In programs. CUSD provides quality Science Technology Engineering and Math programs at all school sites from kindergarten through high school, including award-winning robotics, engineering, and computer science. Our goal is to prepare students for the high-tech, high-demand jobs of the 21st century. Each student at over 30 of our school sites is provided Chromebooks/iPads for academic use. We are committed to providing a quality education to all students with a focus on preparing them for choices related to their future. I encourage you to become actively involved in the mission of the school district.

CJUSD's Expanded Learning programs are an integral part of education, engaging students in year-round learning opportunities that prepare them for college, career, and life. On behalf of the Compton Unified School District Governing Board, I welcome you. The goal of our school district is to provide all students with a quality education that prepares them for college and career readiness. We ensure that students are academically, financially, and socially fit for college. Academically, we work to ensure students complete the A-G courses required for college and provide students with Advanced Placement, College Courses, extra years of Math, Science etc. Financially, we support our students and families to complete FAFSA and Cal Grant forms and take advantage of federal and state money and scholarship opportunities.
Our schools have undergone transformation marked by a significant increase in student achievement rates, a graduation rate nearing 90%, facilities improvements, and a focus on STEM throughout all schools. Some teachers will have credentials in a particular subject area, such as English or mathematics, and others will have a multiple subject credential, which allows them to teach a variety of subjects, such as in elementary schools. The Local Control and Accountability Plan is central to the Local Control and Funding Formula , the new way that California public education is funded. The focus of this change is to better serve the needs of students.
For information regarding LEA accreditation, please visit the US Department of Education’s Accreditation and Quality Assurance web page. The South Dakotan is our story hub highlighting the meaningful contributions that our students, faculty, staff and alumni and friends devote themselves to in their communities. Join us for a personalized visit to experience campus for yourself. At USD you'll find a welcoming community, a vibrant atmosphere and countless opportunities to get involved.
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